Planned Giving at the Nineteenth Century Charitable Association 

Planned charitable gifts can help you develop a personal legacy that will greatly support The Nineteenth Century Charitable Association’s mission, programming, philanthropy and building preservation efforts.  There are many ways to make charitable contributions:

Create a Planned Gift Through Your Will or Trust You can make a gift of cash and securities. Gifts of real estate and personal property are subject to The Nineteenth Century Charitable Association’s Gift Policy. Suggested legal language:

"I give, devise, and bequeath $_____ or _____ % to The Nineteenth Century Charitable Association. TAX I.D. #27-3491027. The Nineteenth Century Charitable Association may be contacted at 178 Forest Avenue, Oak Park, IL 60301, 708-386-2729.”

Create a Planned Gift Through Beneficiary Designation Name the Nineteenth Century Charitable Association as beneficiary of your brokerage account, IRA, life insurance policy, 401K, Certificate of Deposit, Gift Annuity, or Charitable Lead Trust.

We would appreciate notification of any intent you plan to do. If you have questions about making a planned gift to the NCCA or named NCCA in your estate plan, please feel free to contact our Managing Director at 708-386-2729 x 3.