Culture and Community Connections Since 1891

This Nineteenth Century landmark building was built in 1928 and it remains a cultural, social service, and civic force in the community. Drawn by its beauty and fabulous free public events, thousands of visitors come to The Nineteenth Century Charitable Association (NCCA) every year, making it one of the most visited attractions in Oak Park. The organization has offered the community a compelling and enriching series of speakers throughout the decades including Ella Jenkins, Dr. Percy Julian, Bill Kurtis, Governor James Thompson and Ruth Page.

We continue to benefit members of the community and increase our collaboration with other local organizations. In the last few years the organization offered meeting space to many organizations including the League of Women Voters Oak Park/River Forest, Oak Park Women’s Guild, OPRF Future Philanthropists, Pro Bono Network, Oak Park and River Forest Chamber of Commerce, and many others. For more information on how the Nineteenth Century Club is used by the community, please click HERE.

Our Needle Arts Friends create special items, such as those pictured here, which are distributed each year to organizations in the community.  Read more about their work here.

We promote food drives for local food pantries in Oak Park/River Forest/Forest Park and collect donations for other organizations such as the Infant Welfare Children's Clinic. We've hosted a holiday dinner for Housing Forward clients; Our staff contributes their time, and members donate funds to cover the cost of food.  We also offer a "shopping" selection with donated household items so the clients can choose what they need.

In 2010 we initiated a family event, Cookies and Cocoa with Santa. It's open to the community for a modest fee.  We invite local nonprofit organizations to bring low income/foster children at no charge to see Santa in a home-like setting (no standing in line at the mall), eat cookies, drink cocoa and have fun with craft activities. It's a great way to promote a fun and loving holiday day.

Every year we try to create new events and ideas for the community and we are open to suggestions. Please contact our Managing Director if you would like to know more about what we do or have any innovative ideas. The office number is (708)386-2729. Our goal is to promote educational and cultural programs and serve anyone in need in our community. We have promoted events and programs for seniors, teens, parents, kids and many nonprofit organizations. We are here to help!