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Only Members & Illinois Residents



    Join us this Summer for the following programs!


Matinee Mondays: Film Noir Directed by Billy Wilder 



August 12: Sunset Boulevard   

          September 9: Witness for the Prosecution


All films begin at 1pm and are free and open to the public

with a suggested donation of $10.



Raining Pianos Concert Series


July 22: Cacie Miller         

August 26: Owen & Brian Ling  

September 23: Doug Cotsamire             


All concerts are on Monday at 1pm in the South Dining Room.

Free and open to the public with a suggested donation of $10. 



Wednesday Wisdom Lecture Series


         July 24: Altenheim Senior Living

                             July 31: Women Over 70: Reimagining Aging


All Wednesday Wisdom presentations are at 1:30pm

in the first floor South Dining Room.

Free and open to the public.



More information coming soon!